Verb is all about action, creating natural snacks and drinks to keep you going. Offering delicious energy bars and drink mixes, the brand keeps things simple with wholesome ingredients, letting balanced green tea do the work and fuel your day. According to the brand, one Verb snack bar can provide as much caffeine as an espresso, but without the jitters or sugar crash.
Having healthy alternatives for snacks is an important way to ensure that you are fueling your body. Like any other food, it is great to have choices so that making the healthier decision is much easier. One study describing choosing a healthier alternative, or an apple in this case, showed that fruit was associated with lower anxiety, depression, and emotional distress.
The caffeine is extracted from green tea, which provides a smooth, long-lasting energy boost without the jitters or crash typically associated with other caffeinated goods. Individual wrapping means they’re far more portable than a hot cup of coffee—and hella safer for new moms to have around their babies or toddlers.
Their customer service is beloved: Not only will they right any wrong, but they’re also reachable by mere text message for personalized and immediate attention.